Bunkers Del Carmel View | Visit Barcelona With FamilyDespite Barcelona being a crowded city, in the district of El Carmel you will find a view on Turo de la Rovira that has incredible 360 views with little to no crowds. This little known place is steadily growing in popularity, but has avoided being on most tourist´s radars for decades. This is thanks to its slightly inconvenient location and hike. Enjoy our central family hotel in Barcelona!


Designated as one of the sights of Barcelona History Museum, this site is free to visit and is open 24/7. However, it is recommended you go early or later in the day since its high proximity has scorching heat when visited during the day.

Bunker Del Carmel´s history is hinted in its name, the buildings that lay decaying on the site were built in 1938 for the Spanish Civil War as an anti-aircraft battery site to try and stop the bombings in the city. After the war, the guns were dismantled and the buildings were left to be mostly forgotten except for the locals that lived on the site. However, in the 2000s, after the Olympics, the city of Barcelona did minor upgrades to ensure the view point was not hazardous to people and to celebrate the Iberian settlement nearby. Now there are signs around the lookout, giving visitors a glimpse of the history.

Bunkers Del Carmel - Barcelona's Night View | Visit Barcelona With FamilyImage courtesy of bonavista-apartments.com

It has, in recent years, revitalized it´s self as a perfect place for friends, couples or anyone who wants to watch the sunset or rise over the city of Barcelona. It is common to see friends together sharing a picnic while watching the view. With plenty of spots to create a spread, organizing a picnic overlooking Barcelona would truly be the highlight of your stay with your family.

Getting to the site is rather difficult if you don´t know where it is. There is parking at the base of the hill and bus routes nearby, but this is nothing compare to the walk up. This site is not for those who have mobility or troubles walking up steep hills, for the stairs are currently crumpling away and the site itself requires some jumping over fences.

Despite its decaying buildings, crumpled stairs and inconvenient location getting to this bunker is worth it for the panoramic views of the entire city including views of the neighborhoods, parks and sites like Sagrada Familia and Les Rambles.

Bunkers Del Carmel - Montjuic View | Visit Barcelona With FamilyImage courtesy of equipatgedema.cat

Thanks to the nice September weather in Barcelona, you can enjoy this wonderful view over the city while you stay at our hotel for family in Poble Sec.